Mysticism in India. Unusual India: rare places for adventure lovers. Red rain. Idukki, Kerala

Yoga; disgusting - poverty, unsanitary conditions, slums, overpopulation, gas pollution, leprosy, burning of widows, professional beggars; relatives - Afanasy Nikitin with his “walking across three seas”, “tea with an elephant”, “Hindi-Russi bhai-bhai”, Ravi Shankar, “tramp” Raj Kapoor...

All this is India - a kaleidoscope of the most contradictory, amazing, shocking phenomena, the living mystery of which continues to attract seekers from all over the world - both adventure and truth, and often this attraction occurs unconsciously, like hypnosis. Often (especially from Russians) one hears about the feeling of recognition that arises at the first meeting with this country. The reaction of Indians to Russians is invariably friendly, even emphatically friendly. Once, a rickshaw driver who was picking me up, learning that I was Russian, joyfully remarked: “You’re Russian, which means you’re my sister.” How would he know? After all, he may not even be taught to read and write. And why do many Russians burst into an inexplicable smile when they hear the word “India”?

It is known that India remained a constant magnet for all yogis and mystics who lived behind the Soviet Iron Curtain, which further strengthened the attraction of this magnet, and heartbreaking Indian films made entire cinema halls weep throughout the Soviet Union, and even a cell for thieves in law on a hairdryer "was called "India". Here lies something deeper and, most likely, “Hindi-Rusi bhai-bhai” is much older than the time of Nehru-Khrushchev.

Russia, without fully realizing it, is close to India. Some historians (V.N. Tatishchev) attribute the first Russian-Indian contacts to ancient times (9th century AD), which is confirmed by numismatic finds in the territory of the former Kievan Rus and in the Volga region, as well as testimonies of Arab travelers. The Kashmir courtyard, for example, existed in Moscow since the 12th century. The cucumber designs on our shawls and painted lacquered boxes came to us from Kashmir, the northernmost state of India, while the Kashmiris heat water for tea in samovars, which have the same name and look similar to ours. In the northern state of Himachal Pradesh there are ancient wooden temples dedicated to the mother goddess, like two peas in a pod similar to northern Russian ones. One Jesuit monk, who visited Russia and India in the Middle Ages, wrote that Indian temples reminded him of Moscow churches, and the fearless Rajputs and Marathas reminded him of our Cossacks. A deeper layer of this connection is in language. Russian (and to a greater extent Old Slavic) is close to Sanskrit - the mother of most modern languages ​​of India. And the point is not only in the similarity of the grammatical structure of the language and in the literal coincidence of many words, but, above all, in its ability to convey the sacred and accurately describe sublime states of spirit. For example, it is easier to translate Sanskrit into Russian than into English. But besides these external features, there is something in common in the character and behavior of Indians and Russians. This is the “maybe” principle, some recklessness and carelessness, the belief that “somehow with God’s help everything will work out”; This is life together, en masse, little attention to the individual personality and its value, to the inviolability of “privacy”, i.e. “private life”, which in the West is considered the basic principle of life. Still, no matter how hard Peter I tried, and no matter how hard we try to imagine ourselves as Europe, “we are Scythians” and “we are Asians.” Although Russia is in the middle (God willing, in the golden one!) between east and west, in its entire structure it is still greater than the first, and, according to historians, the Slavs were oriented to the east from the early times of their history. Our Slavic ancestors affectionately called even the Turks living on the Ros River “their filthy ones.” And, please note, wizards in Russian fairy tales always have an oriental appearance. In ancient Russian literature, India invariably appeared as a magical land of inexhaustible wealth and abundance bordering on paradise. It was also considered the homeland of the Rahmans, holy omniscient righteous people living in constant communion with God. List of “The Tale of Barlaam and Joasaph” (XI century. ) - an adaptation of the life story of Buddha Shakyamuni, was kept in almost every monastery, and during the time of Peter I, theatrical performances were staged based on its plot.

Having absorbed almost all the world's religions like a sponge - Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Islam (here you can even meet Orthodox Ethiopians and Jews, who are no different from ordinary Indians, except for special surnames, for example, Abrahams, and visiting a synagogue ), - India has turned into a kind of reservoir of spiritual search and potential of the planet. Due to inexplicable reasons, possibly related to the geographical location under certain stars, a significant part of the population of this country for thousands of years devoted their vital forces not to social reconstruction and improvement of material well-being, but to the search and realization of the truth, which was seen as comprehension of the origin, essence and goals of human life. The tradition of this search was passed down (orally for a long time) from generation to generation and was not interrupted even under the yoke of cruel conquests (the most ruthless invaders were the Afghans, who destroyed everything in their path), no less cruel and frequent than those that befell Russia, almost completely having lost its old customs, which were in many ways close to ancient Indian ones. It is believed that this ancient tradition has no beginning and end and contains a certain universal, unchanging code of knowledge about human nature and the structure of the world. A necessary condition for acquiring such knowledge was and remains simplicity of life, since a life too overloaded with material worries leaves no room for spiritual life. Thanks to such an amazing vitality of ancient customs on Indian soil, India is a unique place where, against the backdrop of all the joys of civilization - super-modern hotels, banks, shops and ubiquitous Internet cafes - you can see sadhus dressed in orange clothes - ascetics who have been wandering around India since time immemorial, visiting holy places, never stopping at any for long, and countless temples, many of which are several hundred years old. There are many such examples of the meeting of ancient times with the present day: recently, Indian programmers discovered that the encoding method that the grammarian Panini used around the 5th century BC. in his treatise, containing the entire Sanskrit grammar in a compressed encoded form, can be used in modern programming. Sanskrit itself, the language of the world's most ancient literary monument - the Vedas, cannot be called dead, since many representatives of the highest caste of Brahmins speak it fluently to this day. In addition, there are free schools where they teach spoken Sanskrit even to foreigners. Just like yoga - the art of mastering the spirit and body, the ancient science of life, Ayurveda, is becoming increasingly popular both in India and abroad.

Each state of India is a separate country with its own culture, language, way of dressing, and cuisine. And everyone who comes to India, if he is looking not only for new exotic experiences, can discover for himself, or rather in himself, something that transcends the ordinary and ordinary habits of thinking and acting. If you tune in correctly to India, it can, like a litmus test, reveal the authenticity of an internal or external situation and provide an answer.

Marina Tsvetaeva once called Russia “a country that borders on God.” Indians believe that God, or, if we talk about Hinduism, gods, live everywhere in countless and varied forms, but, above all, within. The Russian proverb “the church is not in the logs, but in the ribs” perfectly reflects Indian religious ideas, according to which the purpose of human life is to discover this inner God, or the Universal Principle of All That Is. Perhaps it is this view that explains the amazing tolerance of Indians towards representatives of other religions and sounds like a unifying leitmotif in the fantastically diverse Indian symphony.

While the Taj Mahal shines with majestic marble brilliance, the Meenakshi Amman Temple is bursting with vibrant colors. It is located in the South-Eastern Indian state of Tamil Nadu in the city of Madurai, which is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited places in the world, operating for more than two thousand years.

Photo: Pabloneco on Flickr

Photo: Bryce Edwards on Flickr

It is based on something extraordinary - the temple of the Hindu goddess Parvati, wife of the god Shiva. The entire temple complex is guarded by towers known as gopuras. The tallest of these is the south tower, which was erected in 1559 and is over 170 feet high. And the oldest tower is considered to be the eastern tower, founded in 1216, that is, it was built several centuries before Columbus set off to discover distant lands.

Jantar Mantar

Photo: Guy Incognito on Flickr

The remarkable complex of structures looks like a set for a planet distant from Earth from a science-fiction blockbuster. But in fact, these are instruments developed and used in Jaipur for observing celestial bodies. They were built by order of the Maharaja in the first decades of the 18th century and are still in use today.

Photo: McKay Savage on Flickr

Photo: Philip Cope on Flickr

Jai Singh II was born in 1688 and became Maharaja at the age of eleven, but inherited a kingdom that was on the verge of impoverishment. The Kingdom of Amber (later Jaipur) was in dire straits, with cavalry numbering less than a thousand men. But on his thirtieth birthday, the ruler built Jantar Mantar.

Kumbalgarh - Great Wall of India

This is the second largest continuous wall on our planet. Some call it after the fort it surrounds - Kumbulgarh, while others call it the Great Wall of India. Surprisingly, such an outstanding building is little known outside its region.

Photo: Lamentables on Flickr

Photo: Beth on Flickr

The wall extends for 36 kilometers. In many images you might mistake it for the Great Wall of China. However, many centuries and cultural differences lay between them. Work on the creation of Kumbalgarh began only in 1443 - just fifty years before Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to make amazing discoveries on the other side.

Karni Mata Temple

Photo: alschim on Flickr

From the outside, the Karni Mata Hindu temple, located in the small town of Deshnok in the Indian province of Rajasthan, looks like any other. But the beautifully and ornately decorated shrine with a constant stream of devotees holds a surprise for unsuspecting visitors. The temple is inhabited by thousands of rats.

Photo: owenstache on Flickr

Photo: micbaun on Flickr

Rodents are not random inhabitants of the temple. The parishioners especially take care of food for the rats, as they are here in memory of the legendary woman - Karni Mata.

Jodhpur - blue city of India

Photo: bodoluy on Flickr

Travelers brave the arid landscape of the Thar Desert in the Indian state of Rajasthan to reach this place. It seems that here the sky fell to the ground and everything became the same color - blue. Jodhpur stretches out before you like blue treasures in the middle of the desert.

Photo: Christopher Walker on Flickr

Photo: Il Fatto on Flickr

According to one version, the population of the Blue City paints their houses in various shades of blue due to the caste system prevailing in India. Brahmins belong to the highest Indian caste, and the blue color makes their homes stand out from other people.

Lech Palace

Photo: watchsmart on Flickr

In the early years of the seventeenth century, the king of the Ladakh kingdom, Sange Namgyal, ordered the construction of this huge palace. It is located at the top of the Himalayas in the city of Leh, now in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The building served as the home of a dynasty of rulers until their overthrow and expulsion in 1834. Since then, the high Lech Palace has been abandoned. However, it stands majestically in this region of India, often called Little Tibet.

Photo: teseum on Flickr

Photo: Matt Werner on Flickr

It is believed to have been modeled after the more famous Potala Palace in neighboring Tibet, which served as the residence of the Dalai Lama until 1959, when he left the country. Leh Palace is smaller than the Potala Palace, but its nine-story structure is still impressive. The upper floors were occupied by King Namgyal, his family and crowds of courtiers. The lower floors housed servants, storage rooms and stables.

Living Bridges Meghalaya

Photo: Ashwin Mudigonda on Flickr

Our understanding of India, with its population of more than a billion people, is often limited by statistics. However, there are places in this subcontinent that remain virtually inaccessible. The state of Meghalaya in the northeast of the country is rich in subtropical forests. To get around in this area, local residents have resorted to an ingenious form of natural engineering - living root bridges.

Photo: Rajkumar1220 on Flickr

Photo: ARshiya Bose on Flickr

With every rain, river fording becomes very dangerous, and this is one of the wettest places on the planet. Steady rainfall combined with rugged topography, steep slopes and dense deciduous forests turn many areas of Meghalaya into impenetrable jungles. But the inventive and resourceful local population created a unique system of natural suspension bridges.

Ajanta Caves

Photo: Ashok66 on Flickr

Two thousand two hundred years ago, work began on an extensive series of cave monuments in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Over the course of hundreds of years, thirty-one monuments were carved out of rock here. Around 1000 AD, the monks gradually abandoned the cave complex and it fell into disrepair. The overgrown dense jungle hid the caves from human eyes.

Hanging column. Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh

Lepakshi is a historical place associated with the Ramayana. It is located near Hindupur in Andhra Pradesh, 120 km from Bangalore. It is good to go to Lepakshi on a weekend for sightseeing - the hanging pillar of the temple with painting on the roof, Sita's cradle and many more.

A village without doors. Shani Shignapur, Maharashtra


Shani Shighnapur is known for its famous Shani Temple. This village has never witnessed any crime, which is due to the blessings of Shani Dev. There are no doors or locks on the houses in the village. Taking note of the near-zero crime rate, UCO Bank has also lifted the 'lock' on its branch in this village, the first of its kind in India.

Contrary to the laws of gravity - a magnetic hill. Ladakh

Devi Nair is a popular place among tourists. Magnetic Hill is a short drive from Gurudwara Pathar Sahib. It creates the illusion that vehicles are slowly moving upward. Try to capture this miracle with your camera! The mysterious hill is located at an altitude of 3.3 km above sea level.

Land of Snakes Shetpal, Maharashtra

Shetpal in Sholapur is famous for snake worship. Every house in this village has room for cobras in the rafters of its ceilings. Not a single case of snake bites has been reported in this village despite the fact that they move freely in every house.

Roopkund Skeleton Lake. Uttarakhand

This lake is known as Skeleton Lake or Mystic Lake. 600 human skeletons were discovered here. The lake is located at an altitude of about 5 km in a mountain valley and freezes in winter.

Kodinhi Twin Village

Residents of Kodinha in Mallapuram, Kerala, have managed to baffle scientists. There are 350 pairs of identical twins per 2,000 inhabitants! It is rightly called the village of twins.

Mass suicide of birds. Jatinga Valley, Assam

Jatinga attracts ornithologists and bird lovers as it is visited by huge flocks of migratory birds every year. Between September and October, especially during the dark and foggy nights, hundreds of birds fly at full speed towards trees and buildings and are killed.

Land of Black Magic Mayong, Assam

The name Mayong is believed to be derived from the Sanskrit word Maya. Many legends about people disappearing into thin air, people turning into animals, and animals being tamed are associated with this place.

Red rain. Idukki, Kerala

Idukki is famous for a strange phenomenon called red rain. The first case of red rain was recorded back in 1818. In Hinduism, red rain signifies the wrath of the gods and signals destruction and grief. Some people believe that killing innocent people causes red rain.

Descendants of Alexander the Great in Malana, Himachal Pradesh

Residents of the village of Malana believe that they are descendants of Alexander the Great. This village was completely cut off from the rest of the villages in Malana. The people living here consider themselves to be members of a superior race, so they avoid interacting with anyone outside their community; they cannot even be touched.

Largest river island Majuli, Assam

Majuli Island is located on the Brahmaputra River and has large wetlands that are home to rare and endangered avifauna, including migratory birds that arrive during the winter season.

Mummy of Sangha Tenzing in Ge village, Spiti

If you think that mummies were only discovered in Egypt, then this is not so. The amazingly well-preserved 500-year-old mummy of Sangha Tenzing, a Buddhist monk from Tibet, was found in a small village called Ge in Spiti. He was found in a sitting position, his skin and hair well preserved.

Unusual motorcycle in Bandai, Rajasthan

This motorcycle returned to the scene of any incident even after its fuel tank was empty. Since then, people have honored him, believing that he has supernatural powers.

Built thousands of years ago and miraculously preserved to this day, constructed from materials of unknown origin and hiding their true functions in incomprehensible forms - there are many mysterious structures on the planet with unsolvable mysteries associated with them. Some of them are able to amaze with their impressive age, others with their impressive size, and still others with truly fantastic architectural characteristics. Looking at such structures, one can only guess what our world was like thousands of years ago. How people managed to extract unique building materials and process them skillfully, erect indestructible stone walls and carve monoliths from rocks for unknown purposes - scientists continue to ponder these questions for hundreds of years.

Georgia Tablets, USA

In the northeastern part of Georgia there is a unique monument, which is known to the general public under the name “Tablets of Georgia”. The impressive size of the structure is a complex of six granite slabs, each of which is 6.1 meters high and weighs 20 tons. Commemorative inscriptions in eight languages ​​of the world were applied to the granite slabs; they represent a kind of instruction for those who will survive the apocalypse and will be engaged in the restoration of civilization.

The opening of an unusual monument in Georgia took place in 1980; its construction was carried out by employees of the construction organization Elberton Granite Finishing Company. The author of the idea for the unusual monument is not known for certain; according to one version, he is a certain Robert Christian, who ordered the construction of the monument privately. The monument is also notable for its astronomical orientation; it is oriented in such a way that it allows you to track the movement of the sun. In the central part of the monument there is a hole through which you can see the North Star at any time of the year.

Despite the fact that the age of the monument is relatively small, it never ceases to attract public attention. Of greatest interest to visitors is the mysterious message, which contains very fair and well-founded commandments. You can read the mysterious message in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian, as well as in Hindi and Hebrew.

Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon

A unique structure is the ancient temple of the god Jupiter, located in the ancient Lebanese city of Baalbek. Despite the fact that today the ancient building is in ruins, it never ceases to amaze with its scale and design features. The main mystery of the temple is the huge platform slabs at its base, as well as carved marble columns, the height of which, according to rough estimates, reached 20 meters.

How thousands of years ago people managed to construct structures of such a scale has not yet been understood. According to historical data, the temple in Baalbek existed for several hundred years and was partially destroyed during the reign of Emperor Theodosius. It is likely that thousands of years ago these places were considered truly special; it is impossible to find any other explanation for the appearance of the giant temple.

When trying to imagine the process of building a temple, a huge number of unanswerable questions arise. People managed to lift huge stone platforms, the weight of which reaches 1,000 tons, to a height of up to 7 meters. Even today, using the most modern technology, such a task would not be easy. Not far from the temple there is a quarry where huge monoliths were carved out of the rocks; one of the monoliths was left untouched in the quarry. Its parameters are also impressive: the monolith is 21 meters long, 4.2 meters high, and about 5 meters wide. According to one version, the unique temple was built thousands of years ago by order of King Solomon.

Mysterious circles in Gobekli Tepe, Türkiye

In Turkey, not far from the border with Syria, there is the Gobekli Tepe region, the megalithic circles discovered here brought worldwide fame. Each of them is slightly reminiscent of the Stonehenge circle, but the circles at Gobekli Tepe were built about a thousand years earlier. The purpose of the stone circles is also unclear, as is the method of constructing such large-scale and regular structures.

The megalithic structures were discovered by a group of archaeologists led by Klaus Schmidt; specialists began excavations in the designated area in 1994. In addition to the mysterious circles, scientists discovered the ruins of ancient temples and other structures, the age of which is about 12 thousand years. Archaeological excavations in the Gobekli Tepe area have been continuously conducted for more than ten years; over these years, scientists have managed to clear only a small part of the treasures hidden underground.

According to historians, thousands of years ago a complex of religious buildings was located in these places; it was here that people made sacrifices to the gods of fertility. Mysterious circles are nothing more than the central part of this cult complex, where the most significant rituals were performed. It is likely that the monolithic circles are only part of a huge temple complex, as evidenced by the monoliths with pictograms discovered nearby. The latter are of particular interest to those interested in the history of the ancient world. Among the variety of pictograms, not only images of animals were found, but also images of creatures that only vaguely resembled people.

Inca city Machu Picchu, Peru

Attendance at the Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru is approximately 2,500 tourists per day.

Among the most incredible and amazing structures on the planet, the city of Machu Picchu occupies a very special place. This ancient Inca city has been the best preserved for thousands of years. Today, visitors to the unique archaeological complex have a unique opportunity to walk along the ancient streets and touch history in its true embodiment. The discoverer of the unique archaeological complex is Hiram Bingham; his group began excavations in 1911.

The history of the city of Machu Picchu is full of secrets and mysteries; for several hundred years it remained the residence of the ruler; even in its heyday, there were no more than 200 buildings on the territory of the city. In 1532, the history of the city mysteriously ended; according to one piece of evidence, all its inhabitants simply disappeared at the same time. Modern visitors to the archaeological complex will have the opportunity to see carefully restored fragments of ancient temples, residences, warehouses and other buildings that were used for domestic needs.

The mysterious disappearance of the city’s inhabitants is just one of the mysteries of Machu Picchu; the ancient city is a unique structure from an architectural point of view. Literally everything is of interest here, from the carefully processed stones from which the buildings are made, to the correct geometric shape of these buildings. Travelers who decide to walk through the archaeological area should take into account that only 2,500 tourists per day can visit it, so you should sign up for the excursion in advance.

Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

In the southern part of Africa there is a unique complex of ruins under the general name “Great Zimbabwe”; not everyone knows that the African country of the same name got its name in honor of this archaeological site. According to historical data, more than a thousand years ago the Shona tribes lived in these places, and it was they who erected numerous buildings, the ruins of which today are of such interest to tourists and researchers.

According to rough estimates, Greater Zimbabwe was founded in the 12th century BC; from its founding, the city existed for no more than 300 years. The reason why a large city was deserted after several hundred years remains unknown. The main feature of the ruins lies in their architectural characteristics. All buildings in Great Zimbabwe were built from identical stone monoliths of the correct shape, which were simply stacked on top of each other without the use of any fastening materials.

It is surprising that with such features of the buildings they managed to partially survive more than 3,000 years later. One of the most interesting parts of the archaeological complex is the so-called “road barrier” - a huge stone circle with a diameter of 89 meters. The total length of the stone wall is 244 meters, and the height of the structure is 10 meters. Modern scientists can only guess about the purpose of such structures.

Ruins of Chavin de Huantar, Peru

Peru also has amazing structures that deserve the attention of the most sophisticated tourists, including the ruins of the ancient city of Chavín de Huantar. They are located in the area of ​​the same name, which local residents have considered special and filled with magical powers since prehistoric times. The ancient city of Chavin de Huantar was founded in 327 BC, its main part was occupied by temples and places of worship.

For many years, the ancient city remained the site of complex cult rituals and sacrifices, as evidenced by the variety of artifacts discovered during excavations. It was here that shamans drew their strength; local residents still believe that while walking among the ruins you can “recharge” with magical powers. The central place of the archaeological complex today is occupied by two temples, in the courtyards of which religious monuments and obelisks are hidden.

Like many other prehistoric structures, the Chavín de Huantar complex is notable for its construction method; its temples are striking in their scale and dimensions of the building materials used. The internal structure of the temples is very complex; visitors can only walk through the labyrinthine corridors accompanied by a guide. The story of the discovery of the ancient city is also unusual; it was found by one of the local farmers. While cultivating the land, he noticed strange stones with carved petroglyphs. For more than a hundred years, the area discovered by the farmer has remained in the attention of archaeologists from all over the world.

Coral Castle, USA

In the state of Florida in the city of Homestead there is a unique Coral Castle, the so-called rock garden, which can safely be considered a real wonder of the world. The impressive complex of statues, whose total weight is 1,100 tons, was built by hand; the fact of its existence has surprised millions of people from all over the world for many years. The author of the unique rock garden is Ed Lidskalnin, an immigrant from Latvia, who was inspired to do this feat by unhappy love.

Walking through the rock garden, you can see several beautiful sculptures in a romantic style, including a huge heart-shaped table. The crescent moon mounted on the pedestal is also very interesting, which always accurately points to the polar star. The largest structure is a tall square tower, weighing 243 tons. The main building material for the construction of the sculptures was coral stones, some of which weigh several tons.

Its author began construction of the Coral Castle in 1923 and continued it continuously until the day of his death. The fact that a beautiful rock garden was built by one person without using any special equipment seems simply fantastic. Considering that Ed Leedskalnin was a rather fragile man, the phenomenon of the existence of the Coral Castle cannot be explained at all. The man's height was only 152 cm and his weight was 45 kg.

Valley of the Jars, Laos

In Laos, near the city of Phonsavan, there is the amazing Valley of Jars - an undeveloped area where hundreds of amazing stone structures are presented. With their outlines, these structures resemble real jugs; the only difference is their impressive size. The height of stone jugs ranges from 1 to 3.5 meters, and the average diameter is about 1 meter. The weight of the largest “jug” is approximately 6 tons; who and for what purpose many years ago created such a number of incomprehensible stone structures is one of the main mysteries of Laos.

It is noteworthy that all the stone stupas were carved from stone, which is not typical for this area. There are many interesting legends associated with the Valley of Jars; according to one of them, huge stupas in ancient times were used by local residents for cremation of the dead. According to another version, huge stone stupas were used to store rice and wine. As scientists were able to establish, the age of the unusual stone formations is more than 2.5 thousand years.

There are just under 500 jars in the suburban areas of Phonsavan. It is an undeniable fact that all the huge stone stupas were carved from stone by hand, but how people managed to do this 2,500 years ago is a mystery. According to one of the Laotian legends, giants once lived in this picturesque valley, who created multi-ton stone structures. Archaeological research in the valley has been carried out since the 30s of the 20th century, and every year archaeologists manage to find out more and more unique facts.

Megaliths in Asuka Park, Japan

Several amazing structures can be seen in the Japanese Asuka Park. Huge megaliths have rested here for many hundreds of years, the real purpose of which modern science can only guess at. According to the main version of researchers, huge megaliths with patterns carved on the surface are nothing more than ancient altars. One of the most interesting megaliths is called Sakafune Ishi; strange marks from wedges were discovered on its surface, which led researchers to think about the cult purpose of the stones.

One of the largest in the park is the Masuda Iwafune monolith, which is 11 meters long, 8 meters wide, and 4.7 meters high. This huge stone, which was clearly hand-carved from a single piece of granite, weighs at least 7 tons. Surprisingly, the age of the monolith is more than 2.5 thousand years. Another amazing fact is that the granite rock from which the megaliths were made is incredibly strong, even with the use of modern equipment it is extremely difficult to leave even a scratch on its surface.

How thousands of years ago people managed to process solid granite and decorate it with clear patterns is a mystery to modern science. Local residents believe in the magical power of megaliths; many try to avoid them and are afraid to even touch the giant stones. Curious travelers who take pictures every day against the backdrop of huge granite stones are not at all confused by such legends.

Carved pillars of Shravanabelagol, India

Travelers who want to see incredible structures in India should definitely visit the city of Shravanabelagola. There are several amazing temples here, the main decoration of which are beautiful carved columns. The shape of the columns is unique; they were created more than a thousand years ago, in a century when lathes and chisels did not yet exist.

Today, carving such a column from stone is not particularly difficult, but how people did it 10-12 centuries ago and what secrets of stone processing they knew remains a mystery. Every day, the ancient temples of Shravanabelagola are visited by a huge number of tourists, and all in order to touch with their own hands the incredibly beautiful and slender columns with a perfect polished surface and intricate patterns.

After admiring the beautiful carved columns, you should definitely visit the nearby village of Hampi, which also has several noteworthy attractions. Here you can see some of the very first multi-storey buildings in India, which were erected from huge stone slabs and columns. One of the most remarkable archaeological areas is the ruins of Vijayanagara, where you can see the ruins of ancient two-story buildings.

Domus de Janus, Italy

In Italy, among the most amazing buildings, it is worth noting the so-called “Fairy Houses” - Domus de Janus. They are unique stone buildings whose outlines truly resemble fairy-tale houses with a doorway and small windows. The largest number of such structures were discovered in Sardinia; currently there are about 2,800 structures in the region.

Each house is unique, some of them were carved into rock ledges, while others were carved into separate boulders. One of the main features of the structures is their relatively small size. In order for at least one person to live in such a house, its size must be on average twice as large. It is for this reason that Domus de Janus is considered to be the home of magical creatures - fairies, and some believe that witches once lived in these miniature houses.

The houses carved into stones are also remarkable for their design; many mysterious symbols can be seen on their walls. According to approximate estimates of scientists, the Domus de Janus was built in the period from the 4th to the 2nd millennium BC. If we take into account generally accepted information about the level of development of civilization in those days, we can imagine how labor-intensive the process of building houses was. Travelers who visit this amazing landmark of Sardinia should definitely perform a magical ritual. In the center of each house there are small depressions, in which it is customary to place offerings for fairies.

Heirloom Stone, Japan

Length: 5.7 meters. Height: 7.2 meters. Width: 6.5 meters. The unique man-made formation is the Heirloom Stone, also known as the Oishi Shrine. Back in the Middle Ages, a huge stone was declared a shrine, and a temple was built next to it. The history of the origin of the stone is unknown for certain; it amazes with its impressive scale. The length of the monolith is 5.7 meters, width – 6.5 meters, and height 7.2 meters, respectively. According to rough estimates, the weight of the Heirlum stone is about 600 tons.

The stone is located in a hard-to-reach rocky area, surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs. The monolith is surrounded on three sides by the rock from which it was carved, and the lower part of the stone was never separated from the general rock. One of the main features of the shrine is associated with the processing of the lower part of the monolith; even during the construction period, they tried to separate the monolith from the rock and dug under it.

It was never possible to complete what was started; as a result, a small depression formed under the monolith, which today is filled with water. At first glance, it may seem that a huge stone is literally floating above a small makeshift pool. According to some studies, the Heirlum stone may be part of an ancient Buddhist temple. Buddhist shrines were built according to the same principle - they were carved out of solid rock.

Goseck Circle, Germany

Year of appearance: 4900 BC. On the territory of the German city of Goseck there is an amazing Neolithic structure, which is called the “Goseck Circle”. It is a collection of several concentric ditches, the diameter of which is about 75 meters, as well as palisade rings, in certain places of which a kind of gate was built. The unusual structure was discovered by researchers quite recently, in 1991. While flying over the area in an airplane, the researchers noticed a strange round silhouette against the background of a wheat field.

In 2002, archaeological excavations began in the designated area, which were led by Francois Berthem from the University of Halle-Wittenberg. The strange Neolithic complex that was discovered by researchers once clearly had a serious and very specific purpose. The complex has a strict astronomical orientation; its southern passages precisely coincide with the points of sunrise and sunset on the days of the winter solstice.

Such features of the structure prompted researchers to think that an ancient astronomical laboratory could have previously been located on the site of the Goseck Circle. It is likely that thousands of years ago it was precisely such structures that helped people create an accurate lunar calendar. If scientists’ bold guesses are accurately confirmed, then the Goseck Circle can be considered the oldest existing solar observatory on the planet. According to rough estimates, the observatory was built no later than 4900 BC.

Delhi Pillar, India

Year of appearance: 415 Height: 7 meters. The Indian city of Delhi also has its own mysterious symbol - the Delhi Pillar. It is located in one of the remote areas of the city and was built, according to scientists, about 1,600 years ago. Despite the fact that the pillar was entirely built of iron, over such a long period it was completely unaffected by corrosion and has continued to remain unchanged for more than 16 centuries. Scientists cannot find an explanation for this amazing fact, nor can they explain the method of erecting the pillar.

For local residents, the Delhi Pillar continues to be one of the main miracles; they believe in its magical powers. According to the testimony of many indigenous people, after touching the pillar, you can be healed of many diseases, and you can safely count on the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. The height of the huge iron column is 7 meters, and its approximate weight is about 6.5 tons.

Unlike many mysterious structures on the planet, the history of the appearance of the Delhi Pillar is precisely known; it was built in 415 in honor of King Chandragupta II, who died two years earlier, and was part of the temple complex. In 1050, by order of King Anang Pol, the column was transported to another part of Delhi, where it remains today. In the 5th century, iron was considered one of the key attributes of a rich and prosperous state, so it is not surprising that it was decided to build the column from it. For many years now, scientists have been trying to unravel at least part of the mysteries of the Delhi Pillar, but their hypotheses give rise to new questions. According to one assumption, it was forged from special, pure iron, but the fact that the latter was mined in such a huge quantity is still unclear.

Sacsayuman Fortress, Peru

Year of appearance: 15th century. In Peru, on the outskirts of the ancient Inca capital of Cusco, the mysterious fortress of Sacsayuman is located; it is also shrouded in a lot of interesting secrets and legends. The central place of the building is occupied by an impressively sized round-shaped stone structure - a solar calendar. Over hundreds of years, the castle has been perfectly preserved; on its territory you can see numerous outbuildings that were used to store water and food.

There are many legends about the skill of the Incas builders; the Sacsayuman fortress is a clear confirmation that many of them are not fiction. The fortress is made of huge stone blocks of regular shape, the method of processing of which delights even experienced modern builders. According to one legend, with the help of the juice of rare plants, the Incas were able to literally dissolve stones, and many believe that the builders were helped by higher powers in their difficult work.

Today, the Saksayuman fortress is the largest on the continent; for thousands of years it has retained its former power. Huge multi-ton stone blocks are stacked so tightly that they cannot be moved, and it is often difficult to insert a sheet of paper between the blocks. According to some assumptions, many years ago the fortress was not only of strategic importance, but there was a large temple complex on its territory. According to historical data, the construction of the fortress began in the second half of the 15th century and lasted about 50 years. The fortress was never completed due to the outbreak of civil wars.

In the Indian state of Karnataka, it is located on the site of Vijayanagara, the former capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. It is believed that this is where the kingdom of the Vanaras, ape-like humanoids mentioned in the Ramayana, was located. From the fallen empire in Hampi there are many ruins and remains of ancient structures, and some of them are simply amazing. For example, the remains of an aqueduct that supplied water to a city whose population was very large. Interestingly, the aqueduct and reservoirs are made of strangely shaped blocks.

2. Sahasralinga Complex (Karnataka State)

9. Rani-ki-Vav well (Gujarat)

This is a very complex structure, a multi-stage well, which is located in the city of Patan in India. Its length is 64 m, width 20 m, and depth 24 m. It is believed that it was built in the 11th century. However, almost no archaeological work was carried out here, because for many years the well was flooded by the Saraswati River and, as a result, it was completely covered with silt. Only at the end of the 20th century did work begin to clear it. Looking at what has been cleared, we see that the Rani-ki-Vav is not only a work of art, but also a testament to the incredible technology of the past.

10. Chand Baori Well (Rajasthan)

Another, no less amazing well, called, is located in the town of Abaneri. This is a step well which is about 30 meters deep and is one of the deepest step wells in India. It consists of 13 tiers of seven steps each. Chand Baori was built between the 9th and 11th centuries AD. The grandeur and scale of the structure are amazing, as is the care and precision of the finishing. According to local legends, the well was built in one night - by mysterious demons...

Recently "Chronoton" returned from an expedition to India, where we found many more amazing wonders, which you can read about on our website, for example, or
